NeetCode 150 全問の解き方とポイントまとめ Arrays & Hashing
Arrays & Hashing
NeetCode 150 全問の解き方とポイントまとめ & 感想
Arrays & Hashing は最も基本的かつ問題範囲の広い分野です。
1. Contains Duplicate
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Easy |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 1 |
Memo |
Given an integer array nums, return true if any value appears more than once in the array, otherwise return false.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1, 2, 3, 3]
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
Output: false
class Solution:
def hasDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
hash_set = set()
for num in nums:
if num in hash_set:
return True
return False
2. Valid Anagram
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Easy |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 1 |
Memo |
Given two strings s and t, return true if the two strings are anagrams of each other, otherwise return false.
An anagram is a string that contains the exact same characters as another string, but the order of the characters can be different.
Example 1:
Input: s = "racecar", t = "carrace"
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: s = "jar", t = "jam"
Output: false
from collections import Counter
class Solution:
def isAnagram(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
s_counter = Counter(s)
t_counter = Counter(t)
for c, count in s_counter.items():
if count != t_counter[c]:
return False
for c, count in t_counter.items():
if count != s_counter[c]:
return False
return True
3. Two Sum
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Easy |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 1 |
Memo |
Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return the indices i and j such that nums[i] + nums[j] == target and i != j.
You may assume that every input has exactly one pair of indices i and j that satisfy the condition.
Return the answer with the smaller index first.
class Solution:
def twoSum(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
# diff(target - num) -> index
# target = num[i] + num[j] なので、
# num[j] = target - num[i] となることを利用して効率的に解く
diff_index_map = {}
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
if num in diff_index_map:
return [diff_index_map[num], i]
diff_index_map[target - nums[i]] = i
4. Group Anagrams
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Medium |
Time Complexity | O(N * L) nはwordの数、lは単語の文字列の長さ |
Space Complexity | O(N * L) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 2 |
Memo |
Given an array of strings strs, group all anagrams together into sublists. You may return the output in any order.
An anagram is a string that contains the exact same characters as another string, but the order of the characters can be different.
Example 1:
Input: strs = ["act","pots","tops","cat","stop","hat"]
Output: [["hat"],["act", "cat"],["stop", "pots", "tops"]]
Example 2:
Input: strs = ["x"]
Output: [["x"]]
Example 3:
Input: strs = [""]
Output: [[""]]
Solution (optimal)
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def groupAnagrams(self, strs: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
if len(strs) <= 1:
return [strs]
# それぞれの文字のカウントを示したtuple -> オリジナルの文字列
ascii_words_map = defaultdict(list)
for word in strs:
ascii_array = [0] * 26
for c in word:
# 文字を0から26の数字に変換
ascii = ord(c) - ord('a')
ascii_array[ascii] += 1
return ascii_words_map.values()
Solution (easier)
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def groupAnagrams(self, strs: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
if len(strs) <= 1:
return [strs]
# sortされた文字列 -> オリジナルの文字列
sorted_words_map = defaultdict(list)
for word in strs:
return sorted_words_map.values()
5. Top K Frequent Elements
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Medium |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 4 |
Memo |
Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the k most frequent elements within the array.
The test cases are generated such that the answer is always unique.
You may return the output in any order.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,2,2,3,3,3], k = 2
Output: [2,3]
Example 2:
Input: nums = [7,7], k = 1
Output: [7]
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
class Solution:
def topKFrequent(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
# 数字 -> 数字の数のマップ
num_count_map = Counter(nums)
# 数字の数 -> 数字のリストマップ
count_num_map = defaultdict(list)
max_freq_count = 0
for num, count in num_count_map.items():
max_freq_count = max(max_freq_count, count)
# 最も頻度の高かったカウントからdecrementしていき、
# 該当する数字をk個resに追加していく
count = max_freq_count
res = []
while count >= 0:
if count in count_num_map:
for num in count_num_map[count]:
k -= 1
if k == 0:
return res
count -= 1
6. Encode and Decode Strings
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Medium |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 4 |
Memo |
Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a single string. The encoded string is then decoded back to the original list of strings.
Please implement encode and decode
Example 1:
Input: ["neet","code","love","you"]
Example 2:
Input: ["we","say",":","yes"]
Output: ["we","say",":","yes"]
class Solution:
def encode(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:
# 4#neet4#code4#love3#you のような形式でencodeする
res = ''
for s in strs:
res += str(len(s)) + '#' + s
return res
def decode(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
res = []
i = 0
while i < len(s):
len_s = '' # 追加する単語の長さを表す数字を格納
while s[i] != '#':
len_s += s[i]
i += 1
len_i = int(len_s) # intに変換
i = i + len_i + 1
return res
7. Product of Array Except Self
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Medium |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 4 |
Memo |
Given an integer array nums, return an array output where output[i] is the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].
Each product is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer.
Follow-up: Could you solve it in O(n)
O(n) time without using the division operation?
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,2,4,6]
Output: [48,24,12,8]
Example 2:
Input: nums = [-1,0,1,2,3]
Output: [0,-6,0,0,0]
class Solution:
def productExceptSelf(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
left_products = [1] * len(nums)
right_products = [1] * len(nums)
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
left_products[i] = left_products[i-1] * nums[i-1]
for i in range(len(nums)-2, -1, -1):
right_products[i] = right_products[i+1] * nums[i+1]
res = []
for i in range(len(nums)):
res.append(left_products[i] * right_products[i])
return res
8. Valid Sudoku
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Medium |
Time Complexity | O(N * M) |
Space Complexity | O(N * M) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 4 |
Memo |
You are given a a 9 x 9 Sudoku board board. A Sudoku board is valid if the following rules are followed:
Each row must contain the digits 1-9 without duplicates.
Each column must contain the digits 1-9 without duplicates.
Each of the nine 3 x 3 sub-boxes of the grid must contain the digits 1-9 without duplicates.
Return true if the Sudoku board is valid, otherwise return false
Note: A board does not need to be full or be solvable to be valid.
Example 1:
Input: board =
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: board =
Output: false
Explanation: There are two 1's in the top-left 3x3 sub-box.
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
# 0~8のrowとそれぞれに存在する数字を追加していく
row_nums_map = defaultdict(set)
# 0~8のcolとそれぞれに存在する数字を追加していく
col_nums_map = defaultdict(set)
# 0~8のboxとそれぞれに存在する数字を追加していく
# boxは、row // 3, col // 3 のtupleがキーになる
box_nums_map = defaultdict(set)
for r in range(9):
for c in range(9):
num = board[r][c]
if num == '.':
if (num in row_nums_map[r] or
num in col_nums_map[c] or
num in box_nums_map[(r // 3, c // 3)]
return False
box_nums_map[(r // 3, c // 3)].add(num)
return True
9. Longest Consecutive Sequence
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Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) | Medium |
Time Complexity | O(N) |
Space Complexity | O(N) |
The personal need for review (1 ~ 10) | 4 |
Memo |
Given an array of integers nums, return the length of the longest consecutive sequence of elements.
A consecutive sequence is a sequence of elements in which each element is exactly 1 greater than the previous element.
You must write an algorithm that runs in O(n) time.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [2,20,4,10,3,4,5]
Output: 4
Explanation: The longest consecutive sequence is [2, 3, 4, 5].
Example 2:
Input: nums = [0,3,2,5,4,6,1,1]
Output: 7
class Solution:
def longestConsecutive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
nums_set = set(nums)
longest = 0
for num in nums:
if (num - 1) not in nums_set:
target_num = num
count = 0
while target_num in nums_set:
count += 1
longest = max(longest, count)
target_num += 1
return longest